Branded Content Compilation for Youth Unlimited GTA (Jane-Finch) - Building Connections at YU Friends Reception

Client: Youth Unlimited GTA (Jane-Finch)

Project: Branded Content Compilation

Produced by: BIGSIX MEDIA


BIGSIX MEDIA had the privilege of shooting and producing a compelling Branded Content Compilation for Youth Unlimited GTA (Jane-Finch). This compilation of videos served as a heartfelt appeal from the Jane-Finch staff to the organization's supporters. It was strategically designed to captivate the audience and provide a glimpse into the lives and stories of the dedicated staff members. The video was showcased at the YU Friends Reception in Fall 2023, a fundraising event aimed at building connections and garnering support for Youth Unlimited GTA.


Understanding the importance of personal connections and storytelling in fundraising, BIGSIX MEDIA embarked on a mission to create a Branded Content Compilation that would emotionally engage supporters. The primary objectives were to introduce the staff members, convey the passion they bring to their work, and inspire supporters to deepen their commitment to the organization.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Personal Appeal: The Branded Content Compilation allowed each staff member to make a personal appeal, sharing their passion for the organization and the impact of their work in Jane-Finch.

  2. Captivating Stories: The videos were crafted to tell captivating stories, providing supporters with a deeper understanding of the staff's dedication, the community they serve, and the transformative outcomes of Youth Unlimited GTA's programs.

  3. Building Relationships: By putting faces to the organization, the compilation aimed to foster a sense of connection and relationship-building between the staff and the supporters. This emotional connection is crucial for fostering long-term support.

  4. Showcasing Impact: The video highlighted the tangible impact of Youth Unlimited GTA's work in Jane-Finch, demonstrating the positive changes and opportunities provided to the youth in the community.

  5. Fundraising Catalyst: Premiered at the YU Friends Reception, the Branded Content Compilation served as a catalyst for fundraising, evoking empathy and encouraging supporters to contribute to the organization's mission.


The Branded Content Compilation produced by BIGSIX MEDIA successfully achieved its objectives. It emotionally engaged supporters, deepened their connection to the organization, and played a pivotal role in inspiring contributions during the YU Friends Reception.


The collaboration between BIGSIX MEDIA and Youth Unlimited GTA (Jane-Finch) resulted in a powerful Branded Content Compilation. This compilation not only showcased the dedication of the staff but also created an emotional bridge between the organization and its supporters. As the videos resonated with the audience at the YU Friends Reception, they served as a testament to the transformative work of Youth Unlimited GTA and the collective impact achievable through ongoing support. Together, we celebrate the art of storytelling and its role in fostering meaningful connections and support for community organizations.


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